Hey, guys! 

Welcome to Bottle Tops Clothing, where we are committed to making a significant impact on our environment without compromising on style. It's essential to face the reality: nearly 1 million plastic bottles are being sold and consumed every single minute globally. We must take action and work together to address this pressing issue.

The Plastic Problem

The impact of plastic waste on our environment is staggering. Over 5 trillion pieces of plastic are currently floating in our oceans, posing a severe threat to marine life. Moreover, plastic production has surged from 2.1 million tons in the 1950s to a staggering 406 million tons by 2015. We cannot overlook these alarming statistics.

Without a change in our actions, it is projected that by 2050, virtually every seabird species on our planet will be affected by plastic consumption. Additionally, more than 700 marine animals have already been reported to have ingested or become entangled in plastic waste. This calls for immediate action and responsibility.

Our Mission

At Bottle Tops Clothing, we believe that every individual contribution matters. You might wonder, "What difference can I make with just 10 recycled plastic bottles?" The truth is, every small step counts. When you choose one of our remarkable tees, hats or hoodies made from recycled plastic bottles, you become part of a community dedicated to making a positive impact on the environment. Your individual purchase, while seemingly modest, holds great significance when combined with others who share this vision.

What Makes Us Unique?

We take pride in being more than just another clothing brand; we are a movement with a distinctive identity. Our inspired style offers a laid-back and versatile look suitable for any occasion.

Our Trademark

Our signature trademark within each design is a subtle incorporation of plastic bottles or plastic waste. These visual puns and plays on words symbolise the meaning behind our brand—to repurpose waste materials and champion environmental sustainability.

Community & Charity Work

Our commitment to transparency and personalization sets us apart. With every sale, we allocate a donation to a local Australian charity. The best part? You get to choose which cause aligns with your passion. This level of engagement allows us to create a collective impact, working together toward causes that matter most to our community.

Furthermore, we walk the talk. We make it a point to visit the supported charities in person annually, hand over the donations, and create awareness videos showcasing their impactful work. Transparency and accountability are essential to us, ensuring you witness every step of the process.

Live Counter

Our website's "live counter" is another unique feature. With every purchase of our shirts, you can witness in real-time the number of plastic bottles we've saved from polluting the environment. This interactive display empowers you to see the direct impact of your decision, reinforcing the collective force for positive change.

Our Community

Join the Bottle Tops Clothing community and be part of a meaningful endeavor to protect our environment and build a sustainable future. Together, we can make a significant difference, and through our actions, leave a lasting legacy for generations to come. Embrace fashion with a purpose and support our mission to safeguard our planet, one tee at a time. Together, let's make this world a better place.

Great Barrier Reef Foundation

The great barrier reef is such a loved and important natural feature to all Australian people and marine species.

We only found it fitting that a charity such as the Great Barrier Reef Foundation was one of the first three charities we selected to support.

Through their use of independent science, information and education, along with their practical action, they are making a significant difference to the Great Barrier Reef's survival and growth.

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F1fteen Tree5

For us, when looking at local charties and organisations, Fifteen Trees was a great choice. They are a small, local organization working with landcare, school groups and environmental networkers across Australia, to plant trees and make a difference in our environment. 

To date, they have planted over 250,000 trees in all states and territories in Australia.

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Australian Wildlife Conservancy

Currently, the biggest private (not for profit) owner/manager of land conservation in Australia.

Their mission is to effectively conserve all Australian native animal species and the habitats in which they live.

With 12,899,998 hectares of land owned and/or managed for conservation by AWC, our animal species are in good hands.

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