Shop sustainably: 10 plastic bottles recycled with every t-shirt sold.

Our Story

It isn't always easy to think, find and act on ways in which we can truly make a difference to the environment, especially in this day and age..

Unfortunately, the environment isn't in a way in which it can fully flourish and sustain due to increasing amounts of pollution from mankind. With plastic waste a significant factor. 

As humans, we tend to only consider big actions that achieve the most success.

At Bottle Tops we believe that small steps are so important, and often the first step is the more crucial. You might think to yourself, what difference can 10 recycled plastic bottles make?

While your purchase of one of our t-shirts may seem small to you, it is the most important step to help us on our journey to minimize as much plastic waste from the environment as possible. I read a quote the other day that said "what difference does 1 plastic bottle make? said 7.6 billion people..." 

Yes, your individual purchase may only take a small amount of plastic from the environment, but our goal is to create a community that achieves something so much bigger than each of us individually. Through your purchases, we as a community are constantly removing plastic waste from the environment, which is an invaluable action that helps all those who call planet earth home.